Bucks County Magisterial District Court 07-1-04

Being summon in court to answer criminal charge or traffic violation is a problem as you have to consider many factors. First is consideration for your family and second is how your work could be affected. If you or any member of the family is due to appear in Bucks District Court 07-1-04, you will be wise to get an expert legal counsel to accompany you for he has the proper experience to represent your side and reply to all queries relating to the case.

Seasoned criminal attorneys have been representing their clients in the Magisterial Courts of Pennsylvania hundreds of times. They have provided clients with a tenacious defense that resulted to the dismissal of the case.

Your appearance in Levittown’s Magisterial District Court can either be a bench warrant, non-jury trial summon, preliminary arraignment, preliminary hearing or traffic citation. You will appear before the Honorable Judge, Robert L. Wagner, Jr.

Located just 22 miles from downtown Philadelphia, the Magisterial District Court 07-1-04 is occupying the southern end of Bucks County. Levittown is still considered part of the Philadelphia metropolitan area.

Covered with this Magisterial Court are election districts: Ward 7 – 1, 2; Ward 8 – 1, 2; Ward 9 – 1, 2, 3; and Ward 11 – 1, 2; that are all in Bristol Township and Tullytown Borough.

Bucks County minor courts of the district hear and decide all traffic and non-traffic citations as well as handle criminal cases’ preliminary arraignments and hearings criminal cases, landlord/tenant disputes up to $8,000 and civil cases with lower damage claims.

Two Magisterial District Courts are located in Levittown so you should read carefully the address in your citation to appear in the right court.

Pennsylvania’s District Courts in Bucks County

The Magisterial District Courts of Bucks make decisions involving summary offenses as the least level of serious offense in Pennsylvania. Included are: offense against property, disturbance of peace, driving after suspension of license, first offense of shoplifting of items under $150, and intimidation. Administering of oaths and performing marriages are part of the magisterial judges’ authority.

Twenty Magisterial District Courts are spread throughout Bucks County. Criminal cases start in these courts before working their way up to Bucks County Court of Common Pleas.

Bucks district courts heard and settled about130, 000 cases and approximately 10,000 criminal cases each year.

Criminal cases in Magisterial District Court start felony and misdemeanor. After preliminary arraignments and preliminary hearings, the cases are elevated to Bucks County Court of Common Pleas based on the court system.

You will need to hire an experienced defense attorney if you are facing charges life traffic or criminal offense. Skilled lawyers to defend the circumstances of your case will go a long way to have it reduced or dismissed.

Even minor offenses such as summary offenses can turn into big problems for you or a loved one. Once you get convicted, you might be imprisoned for 90 days and fine up to $300. If you have a prior conviction, your penalty will be increased to 180 days in jail.

Bring a lawyer with you in a Levittown Courtroom

A lawyer will be your ace in the hole in facing a case in court. The prosecuting lawyer might convince you to give a guilty plea and get it done once and for all or you might want to save extra penny by appearing without a lawyer. However, your future will be greatly affected by the result of the case.

You might even spend sometimes in jail that marks a life’s change and even cost your job; your criminal record will be a stigma with far-reaching negative effects.

Retain a legal counsel with all the expertise to defend against charges of summary offense charges and attain a positive outcome. An expert attorney is familiar with the goings-on at the Pennsylvania Magisterial District Court. Depending on circumstances, aside from providing sound advices, he might be able to reduce the charges against you or have the case dismissed.

For instance, you committed an offense like shoplifting; you may have been mistaken or accidentally left the store carrying the merchandise. In the Philadelphia area, retail theft is one of the most common crimes. You may have your reason and your experienced attorney can prove your innocence.

For more information visit Bucks County Magisterial District Courts.

Web Link: Magisterial District Judge Court 07-1-04, 7th District (Bucks County)

Local police – http://www.countyoffice.org/pa-bucks-county-police-department

State police – http://www.psp.pa.gov/troop%20directory/Pages/Troop-T.aspx#.VV409XM4Z4s